Knightsbridge Neighbourhood Forum
Westminster City Council designated the Knightsbridge Neighbourhood Area on 27 March 2014 under the Localism Act 2011.
The Knightsbridge Neighbourhood Forum was designated by Westminster on 21 July 2015 as the neighbourhood forum for the Knightsbridge Neighbourhood Area (see map above) with a five year exclusive right to develop a neighbourhood plan under the Localism Act 2011.
An overwhelming majority voted for Knightsbridge Neighbourhood Plan at the referendum held on Thursday 18 October 2018 at Kent House Knightsbridge. 93.0% of the 376 people voting supported the Knightsbridge Neighbourhood Plan. 'Turnout' of 19.2% was good for neighbourhood planning in London.
The Knightsbridge Neighbourhood Plan includes policies on a range of matters including character, heritage, community uses, retail, offices, housing, cultural uses, transport and the environment. It has been through independent examination and supported at referendum, and therefore now forms part of Westminster’s statutory development plan. It will be used alongside the council’s own planning documents and the Mayor’s London Plan in determining planning applications in the Knightsbridge Neighbourhood Area.
The Forum also has a say in the use of Community Infrastructure Level (CIL) funds from developments.
Under the Knightsbridge Neighbourhood Forum’s constitution at least half its board must comprise local residents with the Chair always being a resident. We are very pleased that local cultural institutions and businesses are also represented on the Forum board and are guaranteed a role in its governance.
- Read our Constitution and find out more.
- Find out about Membership.
- Understand our Priorities.
- Steering Group members.