Highlights of the Knightsbridge Neighbourhood Plan 2018-2037

The Knightsbridge Neighbourhood Forum (the 'Forum') was designated by Westminster City Council on 21 July 2015 under the Localism Act 2011 to develop a neighbourhood plan.

The Knightsbridge Neighbourhood Plan (the 'Plan') was developed by the neighbourhood forum over more than three years and after two public exhibitions, two statutory public consultations and a formal 'Examination'.

There was a Referendum on the Knightsbridge Neighbourhood Plan in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 on 18 October 2018.  Read the full Knightsbridge Neighbourhood Plan or a summary of it.

Following a successful referendum and Westminster City Council 'making' the Plan on 11 December 2018, it is now part of Westminster's statutory development plan.  It will be used alongside the Council's own planning documents and the Mayor's London Plan to determine planning application in the Knightsbridge Neighbourhood Area.

The Plan’s vision is to make Knightsbridge the best residential and cultural place in London in which to live, work, study and visit.  This vision is supported by six values: community; conserving; clean, safe and quiet; iconic; inspirational; and international.  Five themes are used to group 10 objectives and 40 policies.


Enhance the special character of Knightsbridge including its architecture, heritage, townscape and trees while recognising its status internationally as a prime residential neighbourhood and centre for retail, culture and education.  

Improve the public realm and enhance and restore heritage features. 

Protect and enhance Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens Metropolitan Open Land (MOL) and enable development of Hyde Park Barracks land as a strategic housing site*

KBR1: Character, design and materials

KBR2: Commercial frontages, signage and lighting

KBR3: Boundary railings and walls

KBR4: Public realm and heritage features

KBR5: Local buildings and structures of merit

KBR6: Tall buildings

KBR7: Pedestrian movement along, across and adjacent to the highway network

KBR8: Advertising

KBR9: Roofscapes and balconies

KBR10: Urban greening

KBR11: Protection and maintenance of Local Green Spaces

KBR12: Metropolitan Open Land

KBR13: The Hyde Park Barrack land

* As required by the Examiner and Westminster City Council to be in general conformity with the Westminster City Plan.


Promote the sense of community and protect and enhance the existing residential amenity and mix.

KBR14: Mitigating the impact of commercial development

KBR15: Night-time and early morning uses in or adjacent to residential areas

KBR16: Security and resilience measures

KBR17: Retail uses in the International Shopping Centre

KBR18: Protection of public houses Community uses

KBR19: Office uses

KBR20: Household and commercial waste consolidation Construction activity

KBR21: Household and commercial waste consolidation

KBR22: Construction activity

KBR23: Residential mix including to support local workers and students

KBR24: Reconfiguration of existing residential buildings

Culture and Education

Foster an environment that enables our world class cultural and educational institutions to thrive as centres of learning and innovation within a flourishing community.

KBR25: Existing and new development within the Strategic Cultural Area

KBR26: Public realm in the Strategic Cultural Area

Public Spaces and Utilities

Enable active travel and personal mobility and encourage superb public transport, utilities and communications infrastructure.

KBR27: Enabling active travel

KBR28: Pedestrians within the movement hierarchy

KBR29: Assessing significant transport impacts of development proposals

KBR30: Motor vehicle use

KBR31: Electric vehicle infrastructure

KBR32: Public transport

KBR33: Utilities and communications infrastructure

Environment and People

Be an exemplar in sustainable city living by complying fully with international laws, standards, guideline and best practices.

KBR34: Healthy air

KBR35: Renewable energy

KBR36: Retrofitting historic buildings for energy efficiency

KBR37: Natural environment

KBR38: Trees

KBR39: Sustainable water

KBR40: Healthy people

Developer contributions

In addition, it is important that the impacts of development are addressed appropriately through the appropriate use of developer contributions (Section 106) and the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) or any successor levy on development.  The use of CIL funds* in accordance with national guidance by Westminster City Council (the charging authority) and, if applicable, Section 106 funding, to address infrastructure issues that impact on the community of Knightsbridge will therefore be supported.

Principles, priorities and matters for spending the neighbourhood portion of CIL are addressed further in the Knightsbridge Management Plan.  General principles that should be applied on a case by case basis in the decision-making process for the spending of the neighbourhood portion of CIL are set out below:

  1. Support vision, values and objectives in the Plan
  2. Strategic and long-term
  3. Ensure robust utilities e.g. drainage and lighting
  4. Choose a portfolio of projects including transport and highways
  5. Give preference close to the development
  6. Community not individual benefit
  7. Mitigate impacts of high volumes of visitors on local people
  8. Improve the quality of life of residents.

One of the general projects proposed for the use of CIL monies* is 'Measures contributing to a clean, safe and quiet neighbourhood'.

Best practice guidance:

Best practice guidance on community engagement

Best practice guidance on construction standards and procedures

Best practice guidance on Tree Management Plans

Supporting documents:

Knightsbridge Evidence Base Document - December 2018

Knightsbridge Management Plan - December 2018

Other evidence and supporting information:


*Link to KMP - December 2018 (Appendix B, one page version).

Updated on 14 December 2018